EnergyVision is an independent, green, zero-carbon, low-cost electricity provider. EnergyVision, simple energy and charging solutions for households and SMEs. 100% green and 100% local.

What do we do?
EnergyVision was founded with only 6,200 EUR of equity, three friends and one important principle: it’s all about people and removing their (energy) concerns. Today, EnergyVision’s annual consolidated turnover exceeds €100 million, but it’s still all about people.

"We put our heart and soul into everything we do, with a single goal: to relieve our clients of all their energy concerns."
Maarten Michielssens, CEO – EnergyVision
EnergyVision’s dream
At EnergyVision, we strive for a better world. This means not only creating added value and impact for our customers and their environment, and being results and target-oriented, but also making our company a pleasant place that demonstrates appreciation for people and customers, and taking their wishes, needs, concerns and dreams into consideration, however diverse they may be.